Another option is Paginate and count approach :
Don't know whether better way to do it like select count(*) from table like...
Here is the complete example code ready to use. Used python boto3 athena api
I used paginator
and converted result as list of dict and also returning count along with the result.
below are 2 methods
First one will paginate
second one will convert paginated result to list of dict and calculate count.
Note : converting in to list of dict
is not necessary in this case. If you don't want that.. in the code you can modify to have only count
def get_athena_results_paginator(params, athena_client):
:param params:
:param athena_client:
query_id = athena_client.start_query_execution(
'Database': params['database']
# ,
# ResultConfiguration={
# 'OutputLocation': 's3://' + params['bucket'] + '/' + params['path']
# }
, WorkGroup=params['workgroup']
query_status = None
while query_status == 'QUEUED' or query_status == 'RUNNING' or query_status is None:
query_status = athena_client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_id)['QueryExecution']['Status']['State']
if query_status == 'FAILED' or query_status == 'CANCELLED':
raise Exception('Athena query with the string "{}" failed or was cancelled'.format(params.get('query')))
results_paginator = athena_client.get_paginator('get_query_results')
results_iter = results_paginator.paginate(
'PageSize': 1000
count, results = result_to_list_of_dict(results_iter)
return results, count
def result_to_list_of_dict(results_iter):
:param results_iter:
results = []
column_names = None
count = 0
for results_page in results_iter:
for row in results_page['ResultSet']['Rows']:
count = count + 1
column_values = [col.get('VarCharValue', None) for col in row['Data']]
if not column_names:
column_names = column_values
results.append(dict(zip(column_names, column_values)))
return count, results