I am starting an eCommerce website and decided to start with NopCommerce V4.00. I have developed other websites using WordPress and other CMS systems along with C#, .NET, MVC etc. but I am not familiar with NopCommerce and I am looking for some suggestions on what the best way of tackling the customization is.
This site is going to require some extensive customization and one of the concerns that I have is in regards to maintainability and updates. I need to make sure that I am not shooting myself in the foot and really making things difficult when the time comes to upgrade to a new version of NopCommernce. I learned long ago to always try and add on top of these systems and leave the system code alone whenever possible.
I found this question in regards to overriding the views and if I am assuming correctly if the view is present under the theme (following the same structure) then that view will be used otherwise the default view is used from the root 'Views' Folder?
I can't seem to find much about customizing the Admin side of the site and not sure how to customize it without touching the source. Basically what I need to accomplish is provide a trimmed down version of the Admin area, a "Dummy Proof" version if you will. Would it be wiser to use the Access Control and possibly custom Customer Roles to hide any areas that I need to provide a custom interface for, such as entering new Products or Attributes and provide a Plugin instead and add that to the Admin Menu? Or would it be better to do this whole thing as a totally separate Plugin on the Public side and leave the admin side totally out of it? I have not had enough experience with this system yet and I want to avoid any permission problems and/or opening up any holes in the security since it is in a separate Area.
I would also appreciate any tips or gotcha's that I should be aware of with NopCommerce in general. I have found quite a few sites but these all seem to reference V2 or V3 and I am not sure if there have been any major changes since then.
In case there are others that are looking for this same information, in addition to the answer I was able to find a couple of links that others might find useful that address this.