Attention this post have been edited, please see all possible solutions
From what I have searched and found you have only 2 choices or try to print the CANVAS, or EXPORT as an image or my idea is to separate the image from the content and try to print only the graph. Here is a FAQ by Flot, how can you export the image: Question Number 3
Q: Can I export the graph?
A: You can grab the image rendered by the canvas element used by Flot
as a PNG or JPEG (remember to set a background). Note that it won't
include anything not drawn in the canvas (such as the legend). And it
doesn't work with excanvas which uses VML, but you could try
SOLUTION 1 - Export image:
Export image to computer and then print it
SOLUTION 3 - My own, Modal printing
This is not the best solution by far but it works, here is a demo:
- Load Fancybox
- Open using INLINE FRAME the graph
- PRINT on callback after show
- Reload the page after print to redesign the page
Here is the necessary code:
$(document).ready(function() {
maxWidth : 800,
maxHeight : 600,
fitToView : false,
width : '70%',
height : '70%',
autoSize : false,
closeClick : false,
openEffect : 'none',
closeEffect : 'none',
afterShow : function() {
alert('You are about to print the graph!');
afterClose : function() {
alert('We need to refresh the page!');
This related question is about exporting Flot to PDF, don't know if you may be interested: Export Flot to PDF
Here is a working demo of how to export the image: FLOT to IMAGE