I'm going to start programming a 2D tile-based game in Qt and read about the QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView classes which are intended for displaying and handling lots of 2D objects.
My question is that will it be feasible to create a world with lots of tiles using QGraphicsScene? Can I add the whole world at once tile-by-tile or should I try to implement something to restrict the area a bit? I've read that QGraphicsScene can handle "thousands of items" but a 2D tile map can easily get really, really big (200x200 tiles? not that many, but that's already 40,000 objects which is a lot).
The map is also going to be pretty much static so it might be possible to draw it as one big pixmap but this really prevents you from using all the fancy stuff in QGraphicsScene like handling mouse clicks on independent items etc. On top of that I'm going to draw the player, the NPCs and so forth which will not be aligned to the tile grid. Are there some optimization stuff for using lots of static objects and some dynamic ones on top of them?
Is using QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView even a good idea at all or should I try to look for an alternative inside Qt or maybe a different, more game-oriented library?
Thanks in advance
ui->graphicsView->setViewport(new QOpenGLWidget);
– Hundredfold