I'm trying to restore a pg_dump taken with this command from another server.
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --verbose --format=custom --file=pg-backup.sql -U postgres salesDB
After I copied over the pg-backup.sql file I'm trying to restore with this command
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --verbose --jobs=`nproc` -f pg-backup.sql
The pg-backup.sql file is 13GB. The pg-restore has been running for 4 hours, scrolling data up my screen the whole time. No errors.
But when I execute this statement from a psql session
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('salesDB'));
I get 5377 kB in size. WHAT? It should at least be 1GB by now. I'm totally lost. All this data is scrolling up my screen and I can't prove that it is going anywhere. No disk usage.