i am building a little cli tool that boots my app in development or production.
the way i want it to work is like this:
app run --dev or app run --prod
Atm it doest parses the flags after my command but only before my command. So this works
app --dev run or app --prod run
Any idee how to fix it this so i can use it after my command? here is my code
func main() {
//flag.Usage := usage
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
if *dev {
os.Setenv("ENV", "development")
if *prod {
os.Setenv("ENV", "production")
switch {
// Run
case args[0] == "run" && len(args) == 1:
os.Setenv("port", *port)
log.Printf("Booting in %s", os.Getenv("ENV"))
// Help
case args[0] == "help" && len(args) == 1:
ENV=dev yourapp run
- which avoids the weird SetEnv dance you have going and just sets it directly (and only for that run). – Baldric