To allow this with XCUIElement
, it has a private query
getter. Since the private API would be used only in UI tests (and thus not embedded within the app), there's no risk of rejection, but it is still vulnerable to internal changes, so use if you know what this means.
The following extension can be used to add the wanted behavior:
extension XCUIElement {
@nonobjc var query: XCUIElementQuery? {
final class QueryGetterHelper { // Used to allow compilation of the `responds(to:)` below
@objc var query: XCUIElementQuery?
if !self.responds(to: #selector(getter: QueryGetterHelper.query)) {
XCTFail("Internal interface changed: tests needs updating")
return nil
return self.value(forKey: "query") as? XCUIElementQuery
@nonobjc var count: Int {
return self.query?.count ?? 0
The extension will fail the test if the internal interface ever changes (if the internal query
getter gets renamed), preventing tests from suddenly not working without explanations (this code has been tested with the latest Xcode available at the time, Xcode 10 beta 6).
Once the extension has been added, the code in the question XCUIApplication().images["fooImage"].count
will compile and have the expected behavior.