This is what my mat-paginator
looks like:
<mat-paginator [pageSizeOptions]="pageSizeOptions" [length]="100"></mat-paginator>
Basically I'm trying to implement a typical pagination idea: the server does not return all the data, it returns a chunk of it and then when a new page is opened it goes for another fraction of data. In order to do that, I need to let the paginator know how many items are there in the database, that's to say, I need to provide it with the length
I tried setting it in a variety of ways, directly like in the line above or inside the method where I make a get request. Like this:
this.paginator.length = 100;
Indeed the length should come from the server but for the time being for debug purposes I simply hardcode it.
records => {
this.paginator.length = 100; =
record => new Record().deserialize(record)
Still the length value I get on the client is equal to the number of items contained in the array I get in the server response.
What am I doing wrong and why the length value is not set to 100.
Alright, here is some more relevant code.
Inside the component I do the following:
dataSource = new MatTableDataSource<Record>();
pageSizeOptions: number[] = [5, 10, 20];
inside the OnInit()
I also have the following line: this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator;
. We have no idea of what paginator is, how it's used, etc. Stackblitz is your friend. – Ladanum