I'm currently implementing a server using Rust and Actix-Web. My task now is to send a request (ping-request) from this server to another server every 10 seconds. The ping-request itself is implemented in a async
async fn ping(client: web::Data<Client>, state: Data<AppState>) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {}
This is my simple server-main-function:
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "debug");
let args = config::CliOptions::from_args();
let config =
config::Config::new(args.config_file.as_path()).expect("Failed to config");
let address = config.address.clone();
let app_state = AppState::new(config).unwrap();
println!("Started http server: http://{}", address);
HttpServer::new(move || {
I tried using tokio
, but this was just to complicated because all the different async function and their lifetimes.
So is there any easy way within actix-web to execute this ping-function (maybe as a service) every 10 seconds after the server started?
to start a task that usestokio::time::delay_for
in a loop to wait for 10s and execute the ping? – Bivinsrun_interval
which "Spawns a job to execute the given closure periodically, at a specified fixed interval." – Romina