If you're looking for the why, here's a possibility from Linchi Shea's Blog:
To create the best query plans when
you are using a table on a linked
server, the query processor must have
data distribution statistics from the
linked server. Users that have limited
permissions on any columns of the
table might not have sufficient
permissions to obtain all the useful
statistics, and might receive aless
efficient query plan and experience
poor performance. If the linked
serveris an instance of SQL Server, to
obtain all available statistics, the
user must own the table or be a member
of the sysadmin fixed server role, the
db_ownerfixed database role, or the
db_ddladmin fixed database role on the
(Because of Linchi's post, this clarification has been added to the latest BooksOnline SQL documentation).
In other words, if the linked server is set up with a user that has limited permissions, then SQL can't retrieve accurate statistics for the table and might choose a poor method for executing a query, including retrieving all rows.
Here's a related SO question about linked server query performance. Their conclusion was: use OpenQuery for best performance.
Update: some additional excellent posts about linked server performance from Linchi's blog.