How do i correctly bind a dynamical created list of menu items. I have tried several thing but none seem to work. I get the proper list of names, however my ViewSwitchCommand does not seem to fire correctly.
<MenuItem Foreground="White" Header="Names" ItemsSource="{Binding Player.ToonNames}" Command="{Binding ViewSwitchCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding Header}"/>
However if i don't do it dynamically and do it like this then everything works just fine can get it to work
<MenuItem Foreground="White" Header="Names">
<MenuItem Foreground="Black" Header="Chat" Command="{Binding ViewSwitchCommand}" CommandParameter="player1" />
<MenuItem Foreground="Black" Header="Craft" Command="{Binding ViewSwitchCommand}" CommandParameter="player2" />
The command parameter expects a string.. not sure if that is it... hopefully this is something simple i'm just overlooking