I recently moved from Delphi 7 to Delphi XE3.
A dll file that was 107kb in Delphi 7 is now compiling to 2.7 MB. Another that was 114kb is now 4.7 MB!
Is this normal? What might I do to reduce the file sizes? If you need more info please ask.
Both dll files were already being compiled in release mode.
After following Mason's advice:
The 4.7MB file was reduced to 834kb and the 2.7MB file was reduced to 2.1MB. The 2.1MB file makes use of Generics and an external library called nExcel used for generating Excel files. Whilst nExcel was also used when the file size was smaller the use of Generics is a new addition to the code and I guess may be the reason for the file size remaining fairly large.
mode and remove the extended RTTI info from your dll using{$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON}
– Maurice