I'm using Bluehost and do have access to SSH, thankfully. I've also set my PHP to 5.4 in the Control Panel settings. Now, here's the two big questions that I can't seem to grasp: how do I install Composer and furthermore, after installing Composer, how do I get the dependencies included?
In this case, I am attempting to use the official Tumblr PHP Library, which has dependencies -- all of which can be found on Packagist.
I've referred to this question in which the OP is using HostGator. I have attempted to install Composer in a similar fashion and have done so with seemingly successful results. The issue, however, is that I don't know where to install it on Bluehost so I now have Composer installed in several random places on the server simply because I don't know how to navigate to find where to put it in this shared space.
I know this is the issue (i.e. it's installed in the wrong place) because when I use the composer phar
files and syntax to install the packages, I get errors saying the commands don't exist.
I really hate asking for hand-holding assistance, but if someone could walk me through the proper installation of Composer on a shared space and the proper installation of a Composer package from Packagist on the same shared space, it would be much appreciated. I've dug through the Composer documentation and can't seem to find a proper guide -- if one can even exist -- for this case. At this point, I'm wondering if it's going to be different for every web host.