I have a class and inside the class is a (swift) array, based on a global struct. I want to save an array with this class to NSUserDefaults. This is my code:
struct mystruct {
var start : NSDate = NSDate()
var stop : NSDate = NSDate()
class MyClass : NSObject {
var mystructs : [mystruct]
init(mystructs : [mystruct]) {
self.mystructs = mystructs
func encodeWithCoder(encoder: NSCoder) {
//let val = mystructs.map { $0 as NSObject } //this also doesn't work
let objctvtmrec = NSMutableArray(mystructs) //gives error
//first approach:
encoder.encodeObject(mystructs) //error: [mystructs] doesn't conform to protocol 'anyobject'
var records : [MyClass] {
get {
var returnValue : [MyClass]? = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("records") as? [MyClass]
if returnValue == nil
returnValue = []
return returnValue!
set (newValue) {
let val = newValue.map { $0 as AnyObject }
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(val, forKey: "records")
I already subclassed to NSObject, and I know I need NSCoding. But I don't find any way to convert the struct array to an NSMuteableArray or something similar I can store. The only idea until now is to go through each entry and copy it directly to a new array or to use much or objective-c code all over the project, so i never need to convert from swift arrays to objective-c arrays. Both are things I don't want to do.
let structDicts = mystructs.map { ["start": $0.start, "stop": $0.stop] }
-> fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type – Coccidiosis