I did a logistic regression:
EW <- glm(everwrk~age_p + r_maritl, data = NH11, family = "binomial")
Moreover, I want to predict everwrk
for each level of r_maritl
has the following levels:
"0 Under 14 years"
"1 Married - spouse in household"
"2 Married - spouse not in household"
"3 Married - spouse in household unknown"
"4 Widowed"
"5 Divorced"
"6 Separated"
"7 Never married"
"8 Living with partner"
"9 Unknown marital status"
So I did:
predEW <- with(NH11,
expand.grid(r_maritl = c( "0 Under 14 years", "1 Married -
spouse in household", "2 Married - spouse not in household", "3 Married -
spouse in household unknown", "4 Widowed", "5 Divorced", "6 Separated", "7
Never married", "8 Living with partner", "9 Unknown marital status"),
age_p = mean(age_p,na.rm = TRUE)))
cbind(predEW, predict(EW, type = "response",
se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence",
newdata = predEW))
The Problem is I get the following response:
Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$xlevels) : factor r_maritl has new levels 0 Under 14 years, Married - spouse in household unknown
Sample Data:
num [1:33014] 47 18 79 51 43 41 21 20 33 56 ...
Factor w/ 2 levels "2 No","1 Yes": NA NA 2 NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 ...
Factor w/ 10 levels "0 Under 14 years",..: 6 8 5 7 2 2 8 8 8 2 ...
. Also, are there unused factors in your datasetNH11
? – Exchange