Although the question was already answered long ago I've wrapped a function to easily set background, border and text colour of individual facets based on previous answers. I'm posting it in case it is of help to someone else.
The function:
modify_facet_appearance <- function(plot = NULL,
strip.background.x.fill = NULL,
strip.background.y.fill = NULL,
strip.background.x.col = NULL,
strip.background.y.col = NULL,
strip.text.x.col = NULL,
strip.text.y.col = NULL){
if(is.null(plot)){stop("A ggplot (gg class) needs to be provided!")}
# Generate gtable object to modify the facet strips:
g <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(plot))
# Get the locations of the right and top facets in g:
stripy <- which(grepl('strip-r|strip-l', g$layout$name)) # account for when strip positions are switched r-l and/or t-b in facet_grid(switch = )
stripx <- which(grepl('strip-t|strip-b', g$layout$name))
# Check that the provided value arrays have the same length as strips the plot has:
lx <- c(length(strip.background.x.fill), length(strip.background.x.col), length(strip.text.x.col))
if(!all(lx==length(stripx) | lx==0)){stop("The provided vectors with values need to have the same length and the number of facets in the plot!")}
ly <- c(length(strip.background.y.fill), length(strip.background.y.col), length(strip.text.y.col))
if(!all(ly==length(stripy) | ly==0)){stop("The provided vectors with values need to have the same length and the number of facets in the plot!")}
# Change the strips on the y axis:
for (i in seq_along(stripy)){ # if no strips in the right, the loop will not be executed as seq_along(stripy) will be integer(0)
# Change strip fill and (border) colour :
j1 <- which(grepl('strip.background.y', g$grobs[[stripy[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
if(!is.null(strip.background.y.fill[i])){g$grobs[[stripy[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j1]]$gp$fill <- strip.background.y.fill[i]} # fill
if(!is.null(strip.background.y.col[i])){g$grobs[[stripy[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j1]]$gp$col <- strip.background.y.col[i]} # border colour
# Change color of text:
j2 <- which(grepl('strip.text.y', g$grobs[[stripy[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
if(!is.null(strip.text.y.col[i])){g$grobs[[stripy[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j2]]$children[[1]]$gp$col <- strip.text.y.col[i]}
# Same but for the x axis:
for (i in seq_along(stripx)){
# Change strip fill and (border) colour :
j1 <- which(grepl('strip.background.x', g$grobs[[stripx[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
if(!is.null(strip.background.x.fill[i])){g$grobs[[stripx[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j1]]$gp$fill <- strip.background.x.fill[i]} # fill
if(!is.null(strip.background.x.col[i])){g$grobs[[stripx[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j1]]$gp$col <- strip.background.x.col[i]} # border colour
# Change color of text:
j2 <- which(grepl('strip.text.x', g$grobs[[stripx[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
if(!is.null(strip.text.x.col[i])){g$grobs[[stripx[i]]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j2]]$children[[1]]$gp$col <- strip.text.x.col[i]}
# Note that it returns a gtable object. This can be ploted with plot() or grid::draw.grid().
# patchwork can handle the addition of such gtable to a layout with other ggplot objects,
# but be sure to use patchwork::wrap_ggplot_grob(g) for proper alignment of plots!
# See:
The function can be piped from a gg object sort of in the same spirit as adding + theme()
pal.y <- brewer.pal(length(unique(mpg$drv))*2, "Paired")
pal.x <- brewer.pal(length(unique(mpg$cyl))*2, "Paired")
p <- {ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, cty)) +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(drv ~ cyl) +
ggtitle("How to change colour of font in facet strip?")} %>%
modify_facet_appearance(strip.background.x.fill = pal.x[seq(1, length(pal.x), 2)],
strip.background.x.col = pal.x[seq(2, length(pal.x), 2)],
strip.text.x.col = pal.x[seq(2, length(pal.x), 2)],
strip.background.y.fill = pal.y[seq(1, length(pal.y), 2)],
strip.background.y.col = pal.y[seq(2, length(pal.y), 2)],
strip.text.y.col = pal.y[seq(2, length(pal.y), 2)])