I have a common method across all objects in my service layer named "GetBaseEntity". This basically has a definition of:
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetBaseEntity(bool includeNavigation = true, bool isAdmin = false)
var objBase = _context.EntityName;
if (isAdmin)
return objBase;
return objBase.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDeleted == false);
This returns an IQueryable of type TEntity. I want to dynamically pass the pagination options in a method so I implemented it this way:
public async Task<IEnumerable<EntityDto>> LoadResources(PagingOptions pagingOptions)
var baseQuery = GetBaseEntity();
if (pagingOptions != null)
.Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value)
// I can actually return from this part but I just
// set it to a variable to see how many rows the query will return
var query = await baseQuery
return query;
However, the query still returns the whole set. My assumption is that the GetBaseEntity() just set-up the query but the execution applies on the LoadResourcesMethod where I applied the ToListAsync() in the LoadResources method.
I have tried the following but it didn't work:
1) not chaining the query (IQueryable with Entity Framework - order, where, skip and take have no effect)
if (pagingOptions != null) {
baseQuery.Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value);
2) adding an "OrderBy" (WEB API IQueryable skip() take())
var query = await baseQuery
.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
return query;
Any help on building a dynamic pagination from an IQueryable source?
don't do anything except return the modified query, which you aren't capturing anywhere. – Administer