There are some problems I found when used configparser such as - I got an error when I tryed to get value from param:
It was because parser can't get this value with special character '%'. And then I wrote a parser for reading ini files based on 're' module:
import re
# read from ini file.
def ini_read(ini_file, key):
value = None
with open(ini_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
match = re.match(r'^ *' + key + ' *= *.*$', line, re.M | re.I)
if match:
value =
value = re.sub(r'^ *' + key + ' *= *', '', value)
return value
# read value for a key 'destination' from 'c:/myconfig.ini'
my_value_1 = ini_read('c:/myconfig.ini', 'destination')
# read value for a key 'create_destination_folder' from 'c:/myconfig.ini'
my_value_2 = ini_read('c:/myconfig.ini', 'create_destination_folder')
# write to an ini file.
def ini_write(ini_file, key, value, add_new=False):
line_number = 0
match_found = False
with open(ini_file, 'r') as f:
lines =
for line in lines:
if re.match(r'^ *' + key + ' *= *.*$', line, re.M | re.I):
match_found = True
line_number += 1
if match_found:
lines[line_number] = key + ' = ' + value
with open(ini_file, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
f.write(line + '\n')
return True
elif add_new:
with open(ini_file, 'a') as f:
f.write(key + ' = ' + value)
return True
return False
# change a value for a key 'destination'.
ini_write('my_config.ini', 'destination', '//server/backups$/%USERNAME%')
# change a value for a key 'create_destination_folder'
ini_write('my_config.ini', 'create_destination_folder', 'True')
# to add a new key, we need to use 'add_new=True' option.
ini_write('my_config.ini', 'extra_new_param', 'True', True)
. – Elsa