On Windows 2019 Server, you can run a Minecraft java server with these commands:
sc create minecraft-server DisplayName= "minecraft-server" binpath= "cmd.exe /C C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rungui1151.lnk" type= own start= auto
The .lnk file is a standard windows shortcut to a batch file.
--- .bat file begins ---
java -Xmx40960M -Xms40960M -d64 -jar minecraft_server.1.15.1.jar
--- .bat file ends ---
All this because:
service does not know how to start in a folder,
cmd.exe does not know how to start in a folder
Starting the service will produce "timely manner" error, but the log file reveals the server is running.
If you need to shut down the server, just go into task manager and find the server java in background processes and end it, or terminate the server from in the game using the /stop command, or for other programs/servers, use the methods relevant to the server.