There are some questions on Code Metrics here, especially this one on goal values. What I'm looking for though is what's "usual" on real life production projects. Maybe it's just me, but no project I ever get put on ever has these things in mind so when I run ReSharper Code Issues or Visual Studio Code Metrics it seems I'm the first one - so the values always surprise me.
Examples from my current SharePoint assignment:
Maintainability | Cyclomatic cmplx. | Inher. depth | Class coupl. | LOC
67 | 6,712 | 7 | 569 | 21,649
68 | 3,192 | 7 | 442 | 11,873
So, the question is, what values do you usually see "in the wild"? Optimal values and best-practice aside, what values are normally encountered?