I'm trying to develop a jQuery plugin to do an action when the user enter a specific keyphrase.
For example, I want to match "HELLO" on keyup.
var controllerKey = [];
$(window).keyup(function(evt) {
var code = evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which;
Then, I compare my controllerKey with my string "HELLO" (thanks to str.charCodeAt()) and some others things but this isn't important here. Everything works fine at this point.
My problem happens when I want to match "HeLLo" (in fact when the string had some uppercase). I saw on forums that keyup or keydown don't make any difference.
So I use keypress which manage it very well but keypress doesn't allow me to match arrow keys and so one (in Chrome).
I want to know if it's possible to combine keypress and keyup (only when keypress doesn't match the event).
Thanks in advance.