First of all this is not MFC.
Here is a cropped version of the GUI I have been working on:
As you can see I have (attempted) to create two different groups, Icon and Button, using the code:
index->hAddT.hwndIndex[2] = CreateWindowEx(NULL,L"BUTTON",L"Icon",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_GROUPBOX,
The issue I have, and what you can probably see, is that there is only one radio button for the window. This means that the user couldn't possibly select one radio button from the Icon group, and one from the Button group. I have initialised each Radio button as so:
index->hAddT.hwndIndex[3] = CreateWindowEx(NULL,L"BUTTON",L"Information",WS_CHILD | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_VISIBLE,
I would like to, somehow, have the "Icon" group of radio buttons seperate from the "Button" group of radio buttons, if that makes sense, and therefore will have one radio button available to each group. How will this be possible, will it require me to make a new window and a new callback procedure just to have an extra radio button. There must be another way to group child items like so.
2 separate groups of radio buttons in the same form WINAPI (No MFC) The link was not of any use for my purpose.
I have Programming For Windows Fifth Edition, by Charles Petzold beside me as reference, and he states in the Group Boxes section "Group boxes are often used to enclose other button controls", yet there is not real example of this.