I'm trying to set core affinity (Thread #1 goes on first core, Thread #2 goes on second core, ...) while using std::thread in C++ 11.
I've already searched around various topics and on the internet and it seems C++ 11 API doesn't provide such low level feature.
On the other hand, pthreads come with pthread_setaffinity_np which would be useful if I could get the "pthread_t" value of my std::thread (I don't know if this is human reasonable or at least legitimate asking for it).
An example program of what I'd want to have in the end is this:
#include <thread>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CORE_NO 8
using namespace std;
void run(int id) {
cout << "Hi! I'm thread " << id << endl;
// thread function goes here
int main() {
cpu_set_t cpu_set;
for(int i=0; i<CORE_NO; i++)
CPU_SET(i, &cpu_set);
thread t1(run, 1);
// obtaining pthread_t from t1
pthread_t this_tid = foo(t1);
pthread_setaffinity_np(this_tid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set);
return 0;
I'd really prefer not to change the whole architecture of my project (which must provide such characteristic). I've now a massive use of std::thread but I can use pthread API in addition as well, as you have seen in the example.
Is there a way for me to solve this problem?