I'm currently using django-tables2 to display a queryset of my model. One of the attributes of this model is a DateTimeField accurate to the millisecond which is being truncated to the minute in my table.
I had previously manually implemented a simple table in HTML and had no issues. My DateTimeFields were following true to the DATETIME_FORMAT applied in my settings:
DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y N j, H:i:s.u'
The problem has arisen since I began using django-tables2. Is there some way to modify the way it displays DateTimeFields or make it follow my specified DATETIME_FORMAT? I need to retain the sorting functionality so converting to a string is not an option.
I'm using render_table to display my table. The following is my table class:
class ModelTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = Measurement
sequence = ('date_time', 'latitude', 'longitude',
'depth', 'soundvel', 'instrument')