I am very new in delphi XE8. I have this following code which is from my delphi version 6 and I want to run it in delphi XE8.
1. function UTF8ToStringLen(const src: PChar; const Len: Cardinal): widestring;
2. var
3. l: Integer;
4. begin
5. SetLength(Result, Len);
6. if Len > 0 then
7. begin
8. l := MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, src, Len, PWChar(Result), Len*SizeOf(WideChar)); <--error
9. SetLength(Result, l);
10. end;
11. end;
14. function StringToUTF8Len(const src: PChar; const Len: Cardinal): string;
15. var
16. bsiz: Integer;
17. Temp: string;
18. begin
19. bsiz := Len * 3;
20. SetLength(Temp, bsiz);
21. if bsiz > 0 then
22. begin
23. StringToWideChar(src, PWideChar(Temp), bsiz);
24. SetLength(Result, bsiz);
25. bsiz := WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, PWideChar(Temp), -1, PChar(Result), bsiz, nil, nil); <--error
26. if bsiz > 0 then dec(bsiz);
27. SetLength(Result, bsiz);
28. end;
29. end;
when I try to run it the error points to line 8 and 25 in the code with an error message saying
ERROR MESSAGE: Incompatible types: 'PAnsiChar' and 'PWideChar'
I have search everywhere for the solution but I just cant solve the problem. Please help.. Thank you.