I'm developing and application and I'm creating scheduled tasks from command line using vb.net.
When I'm trying to create an existing schedule the command line window come asking if we want to overwrite the existing schedule tasks, My question is:
How Can I send automatically that parameter if I ask it using a message box, if the user answer yes, it will replace automatically the schedule task.
This is how I'm doing that:
Dim KeyToSend as string = " /Create /SC MONTHLY /D 11 /TN "SFTP_FILE_Javier" /TR "\"C:\Users\salasfri\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\prjFileTrans20151102\prjFileTrans\prjFileTrans\bin\Debug\prjFileTrans.exe\" SFTP_FILE" /ST 16:44"
taskProcess.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\SchTasks.exe", KeyToSend)
When the line come to the line taskProcess.Start() the command prompt windows appear asking if we want to replace the schedule task and we have to input Y/N depending if we want to do it.
I want to do that automatically
I tried with using taskProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "Y" but it didn't work
any idea?