I'm getting a 1202 Extra column(s) found
error in Redshift when trying to load a simple CSV. I've made sure that there are no additional columns nor any unescaped characters in the file that would cause the COPY command to fail with this error.
Here's the created target table:
create table test_table(
name varchar(500),
email varchar(500),
developer_id integer,
developer_name varchar(500),
country varchar(20),
devdatabase varchar(50));
I'm using a simple CSV with no header and only 3 rows of data:
john smith,[email protected],123,johndev,US,comet
jane smith,[email protected],124,janedev,GB,titan
jack smith,[email protected],125,jackdev,US,comet
Unfortunately my COPY command fails with err_1202 "Extra column(s) found"
COPY test_table
FROM 's3://mybucket/test/test_contacts.csv'
WITH credentials AS 'aws_access_key_id=<awskey>;aws_secret_access_key=<mykey>'
There are no additional columns in the file.