Has anyone used multiple instances of Hangfire (in different applications) with same SQL DB for configuration. So instead of creating new SQL DB for each hangfire instance i would like to share same DB with multiple instances.
As per the hangfire documentation here it is supported since v1.5 However forum discussion here and here shows we still have issues running multiple instances with same db
Update 1
So based on suggestions and documentation i configired hangfire to use queue
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
app.UseHangfireServer(new BackgroundJobServerOptions()
Queues = new string[] { "instance1" }
Method to invoke
public async Task Start(int requestID)
This is how i Enqueue job
_backGroundJobClient.Enqueue<IPrepareService>(x => x.Start(request.ID));
however when i check [JobQueue] table the new job has queue name default
and because of that hangfire will never pickup that job because it picks up jobs for queues.
I think is a bug
Update 2
Found one more thing. I am using instance of IBackgroundJobClient
. The instance is automatically get injected by .Net Core's inbuilt container.
So if i use instance to enqueue the job then hangfire creates new job with default
queue name
_backGroundJobClient.Enqueue<IPrepareService>(x => x.Start(request.ID));
However if i use static method, then hangfire creates new job with configured queue name instance1
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<IPrepareService>(x => x.Start(prepareRequest.ID));
How do i configure hangfire in .Net Core so the instance of IBackgroundJobClient will use configure queue name ?
You aren’t required to have additional configuration to support multiple background processing servers in the same process since Hangfire 1.5, just skip the article. Server identifiers are now generated using GUIDs, so all the instance names are unique
docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/background-processing/… – Archil[Server].[Id]
has foreign key relationship with any other table. So how does hangfire identify a job belongs to particular instance? – Archil