I just upgraded to Perl 5.26.1, now I get
Smartmatch is experimental at check_tr.pl line 67.
where the code in question is
my @patterns = (qr/summary:\s+(.+?) in\s+(.+?) - average of\s+(.+?)$/,
qr/summary:\s+(.+?) in\s+(.+) (.+? .+?)$/);
my $r = "";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
while(my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
next if ($file =~ m/^\./);
open(F, '<', "$dir/$file") or die $!;
if (<F> ~~ @patterns) {
$r .= <F>;
Ideally with as few changes to the code as possible. What should I do instead of smart matching?
use experimental 'smartmatch'
see metacpan.org/pod/experimental for more information – Protamine