If you came here from Google, trying to find where your previously created virtualenv installation ended up, and why there is no command to find it, here's the low-down.
The design of virtualenv
has a fundamental flaw of not being able to keep track of it's own created environments. Someone was not quite in their right mind when they created virtualenv
without having a rudimentary way to keep track of already created environments, and certainly not fit for a time and age when most pip requirements require multi-giga-byte installations, which should certainly not go into some obscure .virtualenvs
sub-directory of your ~/home.
IMO, the created virtualenv directory should be created in $CWD
and a file called ~/.virtualenv
(in home) should keep track of the name and path of that creation. Which is a darn good reason to use Conda/Miniconda3 instead, which does seem to keep good track of this.
As answered here, the only way to keep track of this, is to install yet another package called virtualenvwrapper
. If you don't do that, you will have to search for the created directory by yourself. Clearly, if you don't remember the name or the location it was created with/at, you will most likely never find your virtual environment again...
One try to remedy the situation in windows, is by putting the following functions into your powershell profile:
# wrap virtualenv.exe and write last argument (presumably
# your virtualenv name) to the file: $HOME/.virtualenv.
function ven { if( $args.count -eq 0) {Get-Content ~/.virtualenv } else {virtualenv.exe "$args"; Write-Output ("{0} `t{1}" -f $args[-1],$PWD) | Out-File -Append $HOME/.virtualenv }}
# List what's in the file or the directories under ~/.virtualenvs
function lsven { try {Get-Content ~/.virtualenv } catch {Get-ChildItem ~\.virtualenvs -Directory | Select-Object -Property Name } }
WARNING: This will write to ~\.virtualenv
If you use the recommended venvlink
, then you can add the following powershell function, to list your available virtual environments.
# List what's in the directories of C:\venvs\
# - installed venvlink, with venvs in C:\venvs\
# - venvlink uses: ~/.venvlinkrc
function lsven { Get-ChildItem -Path C:\venvs\ -Name }
This can surely be improved to automatically detect the venvlink root directory.