This issue is driving me crazy. I keep getting an error: "macFUSE giving mount_macfuse: mount point ... is itself on a macFUSE volume "
where ... is my mount point
when i run sshfs --version i clearly dont have the correct FUSE version coming up, according to my install i have 4.2.4 installed under system prferences with macOS 12.3
i tried installing FUSE from the .dmg, i removed it, tried installing via brew.. restart after restart. upgraded the OS to latest. Homebrew 3.4.2
output from terminal when running "sshfs --version"
SSHFS version 2.5 (OSXFUSE SSHFS 2.5.0)
FUSE library version: 2.9.9
fuse: no mount point
Ive never been able to mount an external host fs using the simple command:
sudo sshfs hosta:/ ~/Desktop/2 -o defer_permissions,auto_cache,reconnect,volname=hostamnt
can anyone shed some light on this issue?