Thought I might share how we do revision control - we tried CIAO but the constant checkin/out got cumbersome when we had to do "Recompile all LotusScript" several times a day.
Our current solution uses three templates: Dev, Test and Prod. There is also a small in-house developed utility database that ...
- Can make "snapshots" (full copies) of the Dev template, and keep track of these.
- Replace the design of Test and Prod with the snapshot we choose.
A recent addition to this utility database was the ability to remove design element inheritance when creating a snapshot. This gives us the possibility to utilize design level inheritance in the Dev environment, but keep the Test and Prod templates without nasty surprises (apart from the ones built into the client... ).
We also do some sanity checks - checking for "Copy Of" and "Another Copy of" elements - guess much more functionality could be added here.
I guess it would be possible to develop a similar solution that use SVN as storage for the snapshot files.
The snapshots are created simply by NotesDatabase.CreateCopy. In the new copy, we then do this: