I have problem in which i would like to create N, two in the example, user objects (e.g. Customer & Supplier) which all inherent from the asp.net IdentityUser object. These object have very different additional data besides the the data from the IdentityUser. I would like to use the IdentityUser user as this gives me a flexible way of taking care of authentication and authorization.
This example has been very stripped down but should supply sufficient information concerning the not being able to create a concrete user (e.g. Customer of Supplier). It seems i need to use the UserManager object as this also takes care of creating for example the password hash and additional security information.
I get presented the following error:
{"Attaching an entity of type 'Supplier' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value. This can happen when using the 'Attach' method or setting the state of an entity to 'Unchanged' or 'Modified' if any entities in the graph have conflicting key values. This may be because some entities are new and have not yet received database-generated key values. In this case use the 'Add' method or the 'Added' entity state to track the graph and then set the state of non-new entities to 'Unchanged' or 'Modified' as appropriate."}
Classes which inherent from IdentityUser
public class Customer : IdentityUser
public string CustomerProperty { get; set; }
public class Supplier : IdentityUser
public string SupplierProperty { get; set; }
Database context class
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext {
public ApplicationDbContext() : base("ApplicationDbContext")
Database.SetInitializer(new ApplicationDbInitializer());
public DbSet<Customer> CustomerCollection { get; set; }
public DbSet<Supplier> SupplierCollection { get; set; }
Seeding class which throws the exception
public class ApplicationDbInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<ApplicationDbContext>
protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
var userStore = new UserStore(context);
var userManager = new UserManager(userStore);
// Seed customer user which inherents from asp.net IdentityUser
var user = userManager.FindByEmail("[email protected]");
if (user == null)
user = new User()
UserName = "[email protected]",
Email = "[email protected]"
userManager.Create(user, userPassword);
var customerUser = new Customer()
Id = user.Id,
CustomerProperty = "Additional Info"
context.Entry(customerUser).State = EntityState.Modified;
// Seed supplier user which inherents from asp.net IdentityUser
var user = userManager.FindByEmail("[email protected]");
if (user == null)
user = new User()
UserName = "[email protected]",
Email = "[email protected]"
userManager.Create(user, userPassword);
var supplierUser = new Supplier()
Id = user.Id,
IBAN = "212323424342234",
Relationship = "OK"
context.Entry(supplierUser).State = EntityState.Modified;
**** UPDATE ****
The solution below works but i am still struggling with two issues:
- I would always like to have one user type (e.g. Customer of Supplier) associated with the IdentityUser. I though about using an interface but this doesn't work.
- If i also add the virtual reference towards the IdentityUser on the user types i get an 'Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types 'ApplicaitonUser' and 'Supplier'. The principal end of this association must be explicitly configured using either the relationship fluent API or data annotations.' exception.
public class Customer
public int CustomerId { get;set; }
public string CustomerProperty { get; set; }
*public virtual User User { get; set; }*
public class Supplier
public int SupplierId { get;set; }
public string SupplierProperty { get; set; }
*public virtual User User { get; set; }*
**Class IdentityUser (which works) **
public class User : IdentityUser
public virtual Supplier Supplier { get; set; }
public virtual Customer Customer { get; set; }
**Class IdentityUser (what i would like) **
public class User : IdentityUser
public virtual IConcreteUser ConcreteUser{ get; set; }
Database context class
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext {
public ApplicationDbContext() : base("ApplicationDbContext")
Database.SetInitializer(new ApplicationDbInitializer());
public DbSet<Customer> CustomerCollection { get; set; }
public DbSet<Supplier> SupplierCollection { get; set; }
**Seeding class **
public class ApplicationDbInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<ApplicationDbContext>
protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
var userStore = new UserStore(context);
var userManager = new UserManager(userStore);
var roleManager = new RoleManager(roleStore);
var user = userManager.FindByEmail("[email protected]");
if (user == null)
user = new ApplicationUser()
UserName = "[email protected]",
Email = "[email protected]"
Customer = new Customer()
CustomerProperty = "Additional Info"
userManager.Create(user, userPassword);
user = userManager.FindByEmail("[email protected]");
if (user == null)
user = new ApplicationUser()
UserName = "[email protected]",
Email = "[email protected]",
Supplier = new Supplier()
IBAN = "212323424342234",
Relationship = "OK"
userManager.Create(user, userPassword);
is already added, but e.g.Supplier
not... – EnglertDbEntityValidationException
then that you have moved pas the posted problem but you are now seeing a second problem that was not apparent because of the problem you have posted. The exception is caused invalid data, if you inspect the exception you should get appropriate message that tell you what is wrong with the data you are trying to save. – Bartonbartosch