I am using c3.js to produce a chart. the problem is that the I cannot change the position of text elements on xgrid. I would like them to be horizontal. But when ever I try to use rotate the elements go outside of svg. How can I place then exactly where they are but make them horizontal
js fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/yrzxj3x2/7/
here is the css that I have tried for complete code see js fiddle
.xLineLable text{
font-size: 12px;
.c3-grid text {
fill: #000;
transform: rotate(0);
attribute on the SVG element itself appears to override any CSS you assign to it. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to rotate the text using c3.js. Assigning horizontal text to a vertical line is ambiguous anyway, and I wouldn't recommend it. – Geometer