I am trying to build a condo package for a git hub repo which requires a "sha256" hash code how I can I obtained sha256 for a git repo example. https://github.com/jensengroup/fragbuilder
example is here:
url: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/38/7c/be04cb1010161c5f32a0a3d7f79af492e98d0487814d8d1bd35ca257a41a/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.zip
sha256: "bbd9fd380826c6cef78871f62b3fb8cf4a466fa99a32e61ea9ba839dc1833e5d"
this sha256 generated by the conda skeleton how I can get his for a git repo.
sha256sum …
on it. – Portiaportico