In a Delphi 7 project we installed FastMM. Soon after that we noticed one of the forms started to issue Abstract Error message on close. I have debugged this extensively and I can't find the reason so far. The usual reason for this error message doesn't seem to apply here. The application doesn't define abstract classes. I also searched the form for a possible use of TStrings or something like that. Most importantly, we didn't (well, we think we didn't) make any changes to this form. It just broke.
- Are there some other possible causes for this error besides trying to call unimplemented method?
- Is there some possibilty that FastMM has enabled some obscure bug in the application, that remained hidden until now?
If the answer to these questions is no, then I'll just continue to search for an unimplemented method call, relieved that I am not missing something else.
methods that you ended up putting one of them asreintroduce
(It happened to me) – Bercy