After reading information about task and exepcion management, I am using this code to manage an exception thrown in a Task:
Task<Object> myTask = Task.Factory.StartNew<Object>(doTask, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default);
myTask .ContinueWith(task => afterTask(task), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Where doTask and AfterTask are:
private <Object> doTask() {
throw new Exception("BOOM");
private afterTask(Task<Object> aTask) {
if (aTask.IsFaulted)
else //whatever
When Exception Boom is thrown the Visual Studio shows an alert informing that an exception has not been caught but if I continue executing the exception is processed in the afterTask function.
Is this code correct or I missunderstood some basic behaviour of the task? There is any way to avoid the alert from the debugger that the execption has not been caught? Is a bit annoying...
Thanks in advance