The feature of returning a enumerable
when no block is given is mostly used when chaining functions from the enumerable class together. Like this:
abc = %w[a b c]
p{|item, index| [item, index]} #=> [["a", 0], ["b", 1], ["c", 2]]
I think my own understanding of this behavior is a bit too limited in order to give a proper understanding of the inner workings of Ruby. I think the most important thing to note is that arguments are passed on in the same way they are for Procs. Thus if an array is passed in, it will be automatically 'splatted' (any better word for this?). I think the best way to get an understanding is to just use some simple functions returning enumerables and start experimenting.
abc = %w[a b c d]
p abc.each_slice(2) #<Enumerator: ["a", "b", "c", "d"]:each_slice(2)>
p abc.each_slice(2).to_a #=> [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]
p abc.each_slice(2).map{|x| x} #=> [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]
p abc.each_slice(2).map{|x,y| x+y} #=> ["ab", "cd"]
p abc.each_slice(2).map{|x,| x} #=> ["a", "c"] # rest of arguments discarded because of comma.
p abc.each_slice(2).map.with_index{|array, index| [array, index]} #=> [[["a", "b"], 0], [["c", "d"], 1]]
p abc.each_slice(2).map.with_index{|(x,y), index| [x,y, index]} #=> [["a", "b", 0], ["c", "d", 1]]