In Perl, I know this method :
open( my $in, "<", "inputs.txt" );
reads a file but it only does so if the file exists.
Doing the other way, the one with the +:
open( my $in, "+>", "inputs.txt" );
writes a file/truncates if it exists so I don't get the chance to read the file and store it in the program.
How do I read files in Perl considering if the file exists or not?
Okay, I've edited my code but still the file isn't being read. The problem is it doesn't enter the loop. Anything mischievous with my code?
open( my $in, "+>>", "inputs.txt" ) or die "Can't open inputs.txt : $!\n";
while (<$in>) {
print "Here!";
my @subjects = ();
my %information = ();
$information{"name"} = $_;
$information{"studNum"} = <$in>;
$information{"cNum"} = <$in>;
$information{"emailAdd"} = <$in>;
$information{"gwa"} = <$in>;
$information{"subjNum"} = <$in>;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $information{"subjNum"}; $i++ ) {
my %subject = ();
$subject{"courseNum"} = <$in>;
$subject{"courseUnt"} = <$in>;
$subject{"courseGrd"} = <$in>;
push @subjects, \%subject;
$information{"subj"} = \@subjects;
push @students, \%information;
print "FILE LOADED.\n";
close $in or die "Can't close inputs.txt : $!\n";
if (-e "/filepath/file"){…}
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