I am currently developping a Java server app that connect to another server with SOAP, retrieve some data and store it into a DB. I work on Eclipse Photon, Maven project.
My Soap client worked perfectly fine until now. For my db storage functions, I needed the JDBC SQL Server driver. But Eclipse told me that driver was compiled with a more recent version of Java.
I was on Java 8, I updated to Java 10 and now the driver works fine BUT my SOAP client doesn't work anymore ! Eclipse doesn't recognize the import javax.xml.soap I use for my Soap.
So I put into my pom.xml some dependencies for it like :
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.xml.soap/javax.xml.soap-api -->
The import of javax seemed to be recognized again by Eclipse so I compiled my project with Tomcar to launch it and after trying my Soap client it gives me the following error :
java.lang.Exception: Unable to create SOAP connection factory: Provider com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnectionFactory not found