I have this component A with an exposed method send
<script setup lang="ts">
function send(data: string) {
defineExpose({ send })
And the component B which imports this component
<ComponentA ref="a" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import ComponentA from '@/component-a.vue'
const a = ref()
onMounted(() => a.value.send(22)) // should be a type error
How do I type the imported component, so that when I call its methods through refs, it checks exposed method names and types of passed arguments?
I tried what I could google: ComponentPublicInstance<typeof ComponentA>
but it doesn't seem to check the methods.
here's shims-vue.d.ts (as generated by vue-cli):
declare module '*.vue' {
import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue'
const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>
export default component
Here's the reproduction.
As you can see, in HelloWorld.vue, a
is ref to an instance of ComponentA. I attempted to type it with const a = ref<InstanceType <typeof ComponentA>>()
, but no luck, it gets typed as any
, but for me it results inany
type. From your screenshot I can tell that for you it's not the case. Did you explicitly define ComonentA's type somwhere? β Cabinetwork