Not wishing to steal the thunder of RRUZ, I offer the following variant, taken from my codebase, with some observations. I've done this as an answer rather than a comment in order to include code.
TMacAddress = array [0..5] of Byte;
function inet_addr(const IPAddress: string): ULONG;
Result := ULONG(WinSock.inet_addr(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(IPAddress))));
function SendARP(DestIP, SrcIP: ULONG; pMacAddr: Pointer; var PhyAddrLen: ULONG): DWORD; stdcall; external 'Iphlpapi.dll';
function GetMacAddress(const IPAddress: string): TMacAddress;
MaxMacAddrLen: ULONG;
MaxMacAddrLen := SizeOf(Result);
if SendARP(inet_addr(IPAddress), 0, @Result, MaxMacAddrLen)<>NO_ERROR then begin
raise EMacAddressError.CreateFmt('Unable to do SendARP on address: ''%s''', [IPAddress]);
There are a couple of points to make.
There is no need to call WSAStartup/WSACleanup.
EDIT As RRUZ points out in a comment, the winsock documentation does not explictly exempt inet_addr from WSAStartup/WSACleanup so I retract this point. On Vista it is simpler just to call RtlIpv4StringToAddress. Having said all that, inet_addr is so easy to implement it may just be easier to roll your own.
Secondly the declaration of inet_addr in WinSock.pas is incorrect. It declares the return value to be of a type u_long which is defined in WinSock.pas as Longint. This is a signed 4 byte integer but it should be an unsigned 4 byte integer, ULONG. Without the explicit cast you can get range errors.