So every mention of __proto__ is usually followed by a reference to Brendan Eich's plea not to use it. I've been playing around with some reflection in Typescript, navigating the prototype chain of a class down to a provided ancestor class using it, and would love to inject a single prototype property holding class metadata.
Does anyone have any specifics on the performance overhead I might incur, or a solution that doesn't rely on __proto__?
EDIT - Updated with code. This is just a contrived example I typed out but it illustrates what I'm hoping to do. I'm not quite sure how to benchmark the percieved slowdown caused by __proto__ mutation. But I gave it a shot anyways. Instantiation, prototype property access and method calls execute no differently given the modification.
class Base {
public getClassName() : string {
return this['_className'] || undefined;
class Intermediate extends Base {
class Final extends Intermediate {
function traverseProtoChain(derivedClass, baseClass) {
var cursor = derivedClass.prototype;
while (cursor instanceof baseClass) {
if (isDefined(cursor.constructor)) {
var className = getProtoName(cursor);
if (isValidString(className))
cursor['_className'] = getProtoName(cursor);
if (isDefined(cursor.__proto__)) {
cursor = cursor.__proto__;