I'm trying to copy all my Livejournal posts to my new blog on blogger.com. I do so by using slightly modified example that ships with the gdata python client. I have a json file with all of my posts imported from Livejournal. Issue is that blogger.com has a daily limit for posting new blog entries per day — 50, so you can imagine that 1300+ posts I have will be copied in a month, since I can't programmatically enter captcha after 50 imports.
I recently learned that there's also batch operation mode somewhere in gdata, but I couldn't figure how to use it. Googling didn't really help.
Any advice or help will be highly appreciated.
Just in case, I use the following code
import json
import requests
from gdata import service
import gdata
import atom
import getopt
import sys
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as td
from datetime import tzinfo as tz
import time
allEntries = json.load(open("todays_copy.json", "r"))
class TZ(tz):
def utcoffset(self, dt): return td(hours=-6)
class BloggerExample:
def __init__(self, email, password):
# Authenticate using ClientLogin.
self.service = service.GDataService(email, password)
self.service.source = "Blogger_Python_Sample-1.0"
self.service.service = "blogger"
self.service.server = "www.blogger.com"
# Get the blog ID for the first blog.
feed = self.service.Get("/feeds/default/blogs")
self_link = feed.entry[0].GetSelfLink()
if self_link:
self.blog_id = self_link.href.split("/")[-1]
def CreatePost(self, title, content, author_name, label, time):
LABEL_SCHEME = "http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#"
# Create the entry to insert.
entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
entry.title = atom.Title(title_type="xhtml", text=title)
entry.content = atom.Content(content_type="html", text=content)
entry.published = atom.Published(time)
entry.category.append(atom.Category(scheme=LABEL_SCHEME, term=label))
# Ask the service to insert the new entry.
return self.service.Post(entry,
"/feeds/" + self.blog_id + "/posts/default")
def run(self, data):
for year in allEntries:
for month in year["yearlydata"]:
for day in month["monthlydata"]:
for entry in day["daylydata"]:
# print year["year"], month["month"], day["day"], entry["title"].encode("utf-8")
atime = dt.strptime(entry["time"], "%I:%M %p")
hr = atime.hour
mn = atime.minute
ptime = dt(year["year"], int(month["month"]), int(day["day"]), hr, mn, 0, tzinfo=TZ()).isoformat("T")
public_post = self.CreatePost(entry["title"],
"My name",
print "%s, %s - published, Waiting 30 minutes" % (ptime, entry["title"].encode("utf-8"))
def main(data):
email = "[email protected]"
password = "MyPassW0rd"
sample = BloggerExample(email, password)
if __name__ == "__main__":