If want to access NTP info in Java you can create UDP packet conforming to the NTP packet format (NTP RFC-1305) setting mode field to MODE_CLIENT (3) then send the packet to NTP server on port 123 and listen for a response.
The Apache Commons Net library already has the framework to do this using only a few lines of code.
NTPUDPClient client = new NTPUDPClient();
InetAddress hostAddr = InetAddress.getByName("*insert-target-server-host-name.com*");
TimeInfo info = client.getTime(hostAddr);
info.computeDetails(); // compute offset/delay if not already done
Long offsetValue = info.getOffset();
Long delayValue = info.getDelay();
String delay = (delayValue == null) ? "N/A" : delayValue.toString();
String offset = (offsetValue == null) ? "N/A" : offsetValue.toString();
System.out.println(" Roundtrip delay(ms)=" + delay
+ ", clock offset(ms)=" + offset); // offset in ms
Note that the local clock offset (or time drift) is calculated with respect to the local clock and the NTP server's clock according to this standard NTP equation.
LocalClockOffset = ((ReceiveTimestamp - OriginateTimestamp) +
(TransmitTimestamp - DestinationTimestamp)) / 2
Where OriginateTimestamp (t1) is the local time the client sent the packet, ReceiveTimestamp(t2) is time request received by NTP server,
TransmitTimestamp (t3) is time reply sent by server, and DestinationTimestamp (t4) is time at which reply received by client on local machine.
See client example for full code: