I'm importing the data from three Tab delimited files in the DataTables and after that I need to go thru every row of master table and find all the rows in two child tables. Against each DataRow[] array I found from the child tables, I have to again go thru individually each row and check the values based upon different paramenters and at the end I need to create a final record which will be merger of master and two child table columns. Now I have done that and its working but the problem is its Performance. I'm using the DataTable.Select to find all child rows from child table which I believe making it very slow. Please remember the None of the table has any Primary key as the duplicate rows are acceptable. At the moment I have 1200 rows in master table and aroun 8000 rows in child table and the total time it takes to do that is 8 minutes.
Any idea how can I increase the Performance. Thanks in advance
The code is below ***************
DataTable rawMasterdt = importMasterFile();
DataTable rawDespdt = importDescriptionFile();
dsHelper = new DataSetHelper();
DataTable distinctdt = new DataTable();
distinctdt = dsHelper.SelectDistinct("DistinctOffers", rawMasterdt, "C1");
if (distinctdt.Rows.Count > 0)
int count = 0;
foreach (DataRow offer in distinctdt.Rows)
string exp = "C1 = " + "'" + offer[0].ToString() + "'" + "";
DataRow masterRow = rawMasterdt.Select(exp)[0];
txtBlock1.Text = "Importing Offer " + count.ToString() + " of " + distinctdt.Rows.Count.ToString();
if (masterRow != null )
Product newProduct = new Product();
newProduct.Code = masterRow["C4"].ToString();
newProduct.Name = masterRow["C5"].ToString();
// -----
newProduct.Description = getProductDescription(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
newProduct.Weight = getProductWeight(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
newProduct.Price = getProductRetailPrice(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
newProduct.UnitPrice = getProductUnitPrice(offer[0].ToString(), rawDespdt);
// ------- more functions similar to above here
txtBlock1.Text = "Import Completed";
public string getProductDescription(string offercode, DataTable dsp)
string exp = "((C1 = " + "'" + offercode + "')" + " AND ( C6 = 'c' ))";
DataRow[] dRows = dsp.Select( exp);
string descrip = "";
if (dRows.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dRows.Length - 1; i++)
descrip = descrip + " " + dRows[i]["C12"];
return descrip;