If you don't know the height of the element in advance, it is slightly more complicated. You have to animate the opacity directly to fade, and you must hide the content with CSS visibility while it is "sliding".
CSS visibility "hidden" allows content to occupy the space in the document it normally would, but to be hidden from view; CSS display "none" doesn't just hide the element, it removes it from the document flow. By hiding the element using visibility, we can slide it down until it is its full height, while the content of the element remains invisible.
Similarly, fading content in using jQuery's fadeIn function assumes an element is initially hidden with display "none", so it won't work if we use visibility. Instead, we make the element initially fully transparent (opacity 0.0); once the sliding animation is complete, we set visibility to "visible" and then animate the opacity from fully transparent to fully opaque (0.0 to 1.0).
Assuming the element is initially hidden (CSS display "none" or jQuery hide function):
$(element).css("visibility", "hidden").slideDown("slow", function() {
$(this).css("opacity", 0.0).css("visibility", "visible").animate({
"opacity": 1.0
}, "slow");
N.B.: Be extra careful typing "visibility" and "visible" as they are easily misspelled -- the source of many frustrating bugs.
You don't HAVE to use visibility, as you can accomplish the same thing by making the content initially transparent, but using it makes it more explicit what is going on. That is, this also works:
$(element).css("opacity", 0.0).slideDown("slow", function() {
"opacity": 1.0
}, "slow");