It is not possible to do this because exec and spawn creates a new process. But there is a way to simulate this. You can start a process with exec and execute multiple commands in the same time:
In the command line if you want to execute 3 commands on the same line you would write:
cmd1 & cmd2 & cmd3
So, all 3 commands run in the same process and have access to the context modified by the previous executed commands.
Let's take your example, you want to execute cd ../ and after that to execute dir and to view the previous directory list.
In cmd you shoud write:
cd../ & dir
From node js you can start a process with exec and to tell it to start another node instance that will evaluate an inline script:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var script = "var exec = require('child_process').exec;exec('dir',function(e,d,er){console.log(d);});";
script = '"'+script+'"';//enclose the inline script with "" because it contains spaces
var cmd2 = 'node -e '+script;
var cd = exec('cd ../ &'+cmd2,function(err,stdout,strerr)
console.log(stdout);//this would work
If you just want to change the current directory you should check the documentation about it
the only commands you want? If so, why not just use Node'sfs
module? – Proposition