Jar is ignoring my manifest file and replaces it with auto-generated manifest.
my manifest is :
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Student Name
Main-Class: ua.sumdu.j2se.studentName.tasks.PrintMonth
(with empty line)
jar -cvf build/tasks.jar MANIFEST.MF build\classes\ua\sumdu\j2se\studentName\tasks\*.class
and as a result if I open jar file with winrar, there would be:
MANIFEST.MF - my manifest
if i place manifest into META-INF and execute
jar -cvf build/tasks.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF build\classes\ua\sumdu\j2se\studentName\tasks\*.class
in my META-INF folder will be 2 manifests.
What's going on?