I'm trying to migrate from AWS SDK V1.x to V2.2. I can't figure out the deleteObjects method though. I've found a bunch of examples - all the same one :-( that doesn't appear to ever use the list of objects to delete (i.e. the list is present, but never set in the DeleteObjectsRequest object - I assume that is where it should be set, but don't see where). How/where do I provide the object list? The examples I find are:
System.out.println("Deleting objects from S3 bucket: " + bucket_name);
for (String k : object_keys) {
System.out.println(" * " + k);
Region region = Region.US_WEST_2;
S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder().region(region).build();
try {
DeleteObjectsRequest dor = DeleteObjectsRequest.builder()
} catch (S3Exception e) {